
Columbia University, Fall 2024 – R. Akhmechet

Course description

Metric spaces, continuity, compactness, quotient spaces. The fundamental group of topological space. Examples from knot theory and surfaces. Covering spaces.

SectionDefinitionsKey resultsExamples
Topological spaces and continuous functions- Topology, topological space
- Finer, coarser
- Subspace (induced) topology
- Basis for a topology
- Topology generated by a basis
- Closed set, closure, interior
- Limit point
- Hausdorff space
- Subbasis
- Generalized products
- Box and product topologies for products
- Metric topology, metrizable space
- Standard bounded metric
- Uniform metric, uniform topology
- (Lemma) Obtaining a basis from a topology
- (Theorem) Describing the closure of a set using a topological basis
- (Theorem) The closure of a set is the union of the set with its limit points
- (Theorem) Sequences in Hausdorff spaces converge to at most one point
- (Theorem) Continuity of maps relative to the product topology
- (Theorem) The uniform topology is between the box and product topologies
- (Theorem) The countable product of the real line is metrizable
- (Theorem) The limit of a uniformly convergent sequence of continuous functions is continuous
- Discrete topology
- Finite complement topology
- The countably infinite product of the real line with itself
Connectedness and compactness- Separable, connected set
- Path, path-connectedness
- Connected and path components
- Compactness
- Limit point compact, sequentially compact
- Diameter of a bounded set
- Uniform continuity
- Quotient map, quotient topology
- (Theorem) Tube lemma
- (Theorem) Compactness, limit point compactness, and sequential compactness are equivalent on metric spaces
- (Theorem) Compact subspaces of Hausdorff spaces are closed
- (Theorem) A continuous function from a compact space to a Hausdorff space is a homeomorphism
- (Theorem) One-point compactification
- (Lemma) Lebesgue numbers exist for compact metric spaces

(Recalled from Modern Analysis I)
- (Theorem) Every compact metric space is complete
- (Theorem) A closed subspace of a complete metric space is complete
- Topologist’s sine curve
Countability and separation axioms- Locally -Euclidean
- Dense subset, separable
- Second-countable
- Countable local basis, first-countable
- -manifold
- Real projective space
- Peano’s space-filling curve
- The Cantor set

Study status

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Topological spaces and continuous functions

Topological spaces and open sets

Definition: Topology, topological space

A topology on a set is a collection of subsets of (i.e., a subset of the power set ) that has the following properties:

  1. and are in ;
  2. The union of the elements of any (arbitrary) sub-collection of is also in ;
  3. The intersection of the elements of any finite sub-collection of is also in .

A topological space is an ordered pair , where is a set and is a topology on .

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Definition: Finer, coarser, and comparable topologies

Two topologies on a set are comparable if either or . We say is finer than if has more open sets than ; that is, if . In this case, we also say is coarser than .

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Subspace (induced) topology

Definition: Subspace (induced) topology

Given a topological space and a subset , the subspace or induced topology on is defined by the collection

In other words, open sets in (i.e., a subset of that is open in the subset topology) are obtained by intersecting with open sets of (i.e., an open set in )).

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Topological bases and subbases

Definition: Basis for a topology

Given a set , a basis for a topology on is a collection of subsets of such that:

  • (B1) For each , there exists at least one basis element containing (that is, covers );
  • (B2) Given two basis elements and a point in their intersection , there exists a basis element such that and .

Equivalently, condition (B1) says that , while (B2) says that if , then is a union of elements (sets) in .

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Definition: Topology generated by a basis

Given a collection which satisfies the two conditions of a basis, a subset is said to be open in if for all , there exists a basis element such that and .

The topology generated by is defined as the collection of all subsets that are open in :

Equivalently, if and only if is a union of basis elements (see Munkres, Lemma 13.1).

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Lemma (Munkres 13.2): Obtaining a basis for a given topology

Let be a topological space and let be a collection of open sets of such that for each open set and each , there exists such that . Then (1) is a basis and (2) generates .

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Lemma: Basis for a subspace topology

If is a basis for the topology of and is any subset, then

is a basis for the subspace topology on .

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Lemma (Munkres 13.3): Using bases to determine which topology is finer

Let be bases for topologies on . The following are equivalent:

  1. is finer than (i.e., );
  2. For all and all , there exists such that .
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The product topology on the Cartesian product

Definition: Product topology on the Cartesian product X \times Y

Given topological spaces and , the product topology on their Cartesian product is generated by the basis

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Closed sets and closures in topological spaces

Definition: Closed set in topological space

Given a topological space , we say a subset is closed if its complement is open.

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Definition: Closure and interior of a set

Given a subset of a topological space :

  • The interior of , denoted , is the union of all open sets contained in ;
  • The closure of , denoted , is the intersection of all closed sets containing .

By definition, . Further, is the biggest open set contained in , and is the smallest closed set containing .

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Theorem (Munkres 17.1): Doing topology with closed sets

Let be a topological space. Then:

  1. and are closed;
  2. Arbitrary intersections of closed sets are closed;
  3. Finite unions of closed sets are closed.
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Theorem (Munkres 17.2): Closed sets in a subspace topology

Let be a subspace. Then a set is closed in if and only if it is the intersection of with a closed set in .

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Theorem (Munkres 17.4): Closure of a subset in a subspace

Let be a subspace, and let be any subset. Then the closure of in is equal to , where is the closure of in .

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Transclude of (Theorem)-Describing-the-closure-of-a-set-using-a-topological-basis#^111747

Limit points in topological spaces

Definition: Limit point in topological space

Given a subset of a topological space , a point is a limit point if every neighborhood of intersects at some point other than itself; that is, for all neighborhoods with , we have

Equivalently, is a limit point if it is in the closure of . We write to denote the set of all limit points of in .

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Transclude of (Theorem)-The-closure-of-a-set-is-the-union-of-the-set-with-its-limit-points#^f956e9

Hausdorff spaces

A sequence of points in an arbitrary topological space converges to the point if, for each neighborhood of , there exists a positive integer such that for all .

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Definition: Hausdorff space

A topological space is called a Hausdorff space if for each pair of distinct points , there exist neighborhoods of , respectively, such that .

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Definition: The T_1 axiom

The axiom is the condition that all finite subsets of a space are closed.

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Theorem (Munkres 17.8 & 17.10)

If is Hausdorff, then:

  • (a) Every finite subset of is closed;
  • (b) Every sequence in converges to at most one point of .
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Proposition (Munkres 17.9)

Let be a topological space that satisfies the axiom (i.e., all of its finite subsets are closed) and be any subset. Then a point is a limit point of if and only if every neighborhood of contains infinitely many points of .

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Continuous functions

Definition: Continuous function in topological space

Let be topological spaces. A function is continuous if for every open subset , the preimage set is an open subset of .

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Theorem (Munkres 18.1): Equivalent statements of continuity

Let be a function between topological spaces . Then the following are equivalent:

  • (a) is continuous.
  • (b) For every closed set , the set is closed in .
  • (c) For all and every neighborhood of (i.e., open set containing) , there is a neighborhood of such that .
  • (d) For every subset , we have , where the overline denotes the closure of a set.
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Theorem: A function is continuous if and only if its coordinate functions are continuous

Let be a product space, and defined by and defined by be the projection maps. A function into the product space is uniquely determined by the coordinate functions

which satisfy . Then is continuous if and only if are continuous.

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Lemma (Munkres 18.3): Pasting

Let for some that are both closed (or both open) in , and let be continuous functions such that for all , we have . Then defined by

is continuous as well.

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Lemma ( Topology HW 3.6): Continuous functions preserve limits

If a sequence in a topological space converges to some limit point , and is continuous, then converges to .

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Homeomorphisms and topological embeddings

Definition: Homeomorphism, homeomorphic

A function between topological spaces is a homeomorphism if is continuous, bijective, and its inverse is continuous.

are homeomorphic if there exists a homeomorphism between them, and we write . Equivalently, we have if there exists continuous functions , such that and .

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Definition: Topological embedding

A function between topological spaces is an embedding if it is continuous, injective, and the restriction of its range to the image of , the function defined by is a homeomorphism.

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Metrics, metric spaces, and the metric topology

Definition: Metric topology, metrizable space

If is a metric space (i.e., is a metric on the set ), for each , we define the -ball about as the set

Then the set of all open balls

is a basis for the metric topology induced by . A general topological space is metrizable if there exists some metric on which induces .

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Definition: Standard bounded metric

Given any metric space , the standard bounded metric corresponding to is defined as

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Generalized products

Definition: Subbasis, topology generated by a subbasis

A subbasis for a topology on is a collection of subsets such that satisfies the (B1) for bases. In other words:

  • For all , there exists such that .
  • covers , so we have precisely .

The topology generated by the subbasis is the topology generated by the basis

the collection of all finite intersections of elements in . That is, the topology generated by is the union of all finite intersections of elements of . It is the coarsest topology in which every element of is open.

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Terminology: Tuple notation for arbitrary indexing sets J be an indexing set. Given any set X, we define a J-tuple of elements of X as a function \mathbf x : J \to X. The function \mathbf x is often denoted by the quasi-tuple notation


For each index , the -coordinate of is the value of the tuple at , and often denoted rather than its technical definition .

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Definition: Generalized Cartesian product

Given an indexed family of sets , the (generalized) Cartesian product

is the family of all functions such that, for all , we get an element .

In other words, the Cartesian product is the set of all -tuples of elements of the union of , where for all , the -coordinate is an element of the set .

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Definition: Box and product topologies

Suppose each set in the indexed family is a topological space.

  • The box topology on is the topology generated by the basis , where each is open in .
  • The product topology on is the topology generated by the subbasis

which gives the basis

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Definition: Uniform metric, uniform topology

Consider the product , where is any indexing set. As a set, is the set of all functions , so we may also denote it . The uniform metric on is defined by

where is the standard bounded metric on and is the standard metric. It induces the uniform topology on .

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Transclude of The-countably-infinite-product-of-the-real-line-with-itself#^90a2bd

Transclude of (Theorem)-Continuity-of-maps-relative-to-the-product-topology#^d9fbb1

Theorem (Munkres 20.4): The uniform topology is “between” the box and product topologies

On the generalized product with arbitrary indexing set , the box topology is finer than the uniform topology, and the uniform topology is finer than the product topology. Further, is infinite, then all three are distinct.

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Theorem (Munkres 20.5): \mathbb R^\omega is metrizable

Let be the standard bounded metric on . If are two sequences in (The countably infinite product of the real line with itself), define

where . Then (1) is a metric on and (2) induces the product topology.

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Abstract Topology HW 3.5: Relationship between uniform convergence and the uniform metric

Let be a set and let be a sequence of functions. Let be the uniform metric on the space of all functions . If is a sequence of functions, show that converges uniformly to the function if and only if the sequence converges to as elements of the metric space .

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Continuous functions in general metrizable spaces

Definition: Uniform convergence in metrizable spaces

Let be a sequence of functions from the set to the metric space . We say converges uniformly to if for all , there exists an integer such that for all and all , we have

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Lemma (Munkres 21.1): \epsilon-\delta definition of continuity in metrizable spaces

Let be metric spaces. Then a function is continuous if and only for all and all , there exists such that

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Lemma (Munkres 21.2 & 21.3): Convergent sequence definition of continuity in metrizable spaces

  1. Let . If a sequence in converges to , then , the closure of .
  2. Let . If is continuous, then for all sequences in , we have in .

The converse holds for metrizable spaces. As a corollary, The countably infinite product of the real line with itself in the box topology is not metrizable.

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Theorem (Munkres 21.6): Uniform limit

Let be a sequence of continuous functions from the topological space to the metric space . If converges uniformly to , then is continuous.

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Connectedness and compactness


Definition: Separation, connected set in topological space

Given a topological space , a separation of is a pair of open subsets which are non-empty, disjoint, and have .

We say a set is connected if there does not exist any separation of . Equivalently, is connected if and only if the only sets that are both closed and open are and .

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Definition: Path, path-connected

Let be a topological space. Given , a path from is a continuous map such that and .

We say is path-connected if for all , there exists a path from to .

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Lemma: Facts about connectedness

  • (i) If is a connected subspace and form a separation of , then or .
  • (ii) If is connected and , then is also connected.
  • (iii) Conditions for the union of connected subspaces to be connected. Suppose is a collection of connected subspaces of such that there exists a “special” index such that for all other , we have . Then is connected.
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Theorem: Every interval of the real numbers is connected.

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Proposition: If X is path-connected, then X is connected.

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Proposition: Continuous functions preserve (path-)connectedness

Let be a continuous function between topological spaces. Then:

  • (i) If is connected, then so is .
  • (ii) If is path-connected, then so is .
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Transclude of (Theorem)-Intermediate-value#^5a526b

Connected and path components

Definition: (Connected) components

Given any points in a topological space , define an equivalence relation by if there exists a connected subspace such that . The components of are the equivalence classes under , and the component of a point is denoted

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Definition: Path components

Given any points in a topological space , define an equivalence relation by if there exists a path from . The path components of are the equivalence classes under , and the path component of a point is denoted

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Definition: Open cover, compact topological space

An open covering of a topological space is a collection of subsets such that each is open in and .

The space is compact if for every open cover of , there exists a sub-collection such that is finite and also covers .

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Lemma (Munkres 26.1):

A subspace is compact if and only if every covering of by open sets in contains a finite subcover (more precisely, every collection of open sets in whose union contains has a finite sub-collection whose union also contains ).

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Lemma (Munkres 26.2 & 26.3):

  • (i) If is compact and is closed, then is compact.
  • (ii) If is compact and is Hausdorff, then is closed in .
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Theorem (Munkres 26.5 & 26.6): Continuous functions and compactness

  • (i) If is continuous and is compact, then is compact.
  • (ii) Let be a continuous bijection. If is compact and is Hausdorff, then is a homeomorphism.
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Transclude of (Theorem)-Extreme-value#^2cff4a

Transclude of (Theorem)-Tube-lemma#^thm-tube-lemma

Theorem (Munkres 26.7): The product of finitely many compact spaces is compact.

If and are compact, then their product is also compact. By induction, the product of finitely many compact spaces is compact.

This holds for arbitrarily many spaces in the product topology, but not for infinite products in the box topology.

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Theorem: Continuity is equals uniform continuity on compact spaces

Let and be metric spaces. If is continuous and is compact, then is uniformly continuous.

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Limit point and sequential compactness

Definition: Limit point compact

A metric space is limit point compact if every infinite subset of has a limit point.

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Definition: Sequentially compact metric space

A metric space is called sequentially compact if every sequence has a convergent subsequence.

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Theorem (Munkres 28.1): Compactness implies limit point compactness in any topological space.

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Theorem (Munkres 28.2): Equivalent forms of compactness in metric spaces

Let be a metrizable space. Then the following are equivalent:

  • (i) is compact;
  • (ii) is limit point compact;
  • (iii) is sequentially compact

Note that (i) (ii) in any topological space.

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Uniform continuity

Definition: Distance between a set and a point in a metric space

Let be a metric space. If is nonempty and , the distance from to is

Further, the map from defined by for all is continuous.

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Definition: Diameter of a bounded set in a metric space

Let be a metric space and be bounded. Then the diameter of is defined by

Note that is bounded if and only if the diameter is finite.

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Transclude of (Lemma)-Lebesgue-numbers-exist-for-compact-metric-spaces#^dd996c

Theorem: Continuity is equals uniform continuity on compact spaces

Let and be metric spaces. If is continuous and is compact, then is uniformly continuous.

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Local compactness and compactification

Definition: Local compactness

A topological space is locally compact at a point if there exists a compact subspace and a neighborhood of such that . We say is locally compact if this holds for all .

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Definition: Compactification

A compactification of a topological space is a pair of a compact topological space and an embedding such that is a dense subset of , meaning every point of is either in or a limit point of .

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Theorem: One-point compactification

A topological space is locally compact and Hausdorff if and only if there exists a space and an embedding such that:

  • (i) is compact and Hausdorff;
  • (ii) , a single point;
  • (iii) is unique, in the sense that if any other satisfies these properties, there exists a unique homeomorphism such that (someday…commutative algebra diagram).
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Definition: Disjoint union

Given a collection of sets , their disjoint union, or coproduct, is

For a single set , while the usual union of with itself is simply the original set , while involves two distinct copies of .

Further, there exist natural injective inclusion maps given by .

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Definition: Quotient map, relative quotient topology

A continuous function is a quotient map if is surjective and

The quotient topology on (relative to ) is the unique topology such that is a quotient map.

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Let be continuous and surjective. Then is a quotient map if either of the following hold:

  • (i) is an open or closed map (sends open sets to open sets, or closed sets to closed sets);
  • (ii) is compact and is Hausdorff (❓ compare to compactness & homeomorphisms?)
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Theorem (Munkres 22.2): Characterizing continuous functions out of quotient spaces

Let be a quotient map. Let be a space and let be a function which is constant on for all . Then there exists a unique such that .


  • (i) The universal property of quotients. is continuous if and only if is continuous;
  • (ii) is a quotient map if and only if is a quotient map.
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Theorem: The relationship between quotient maps and quotient spaces

Let be a quotient map. Define and equivalence relation on by setting

Then there exists a homeomorphism , and the diagram

commutes. That is, every quotient map is of the form .

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Countability and separation axioms

Topological manifolds

Transclude of Topological-manifolds#^68cd2f

Transclude of Real-projective-space#^def-real-projective-space

Transclude of Topological-manifolds#^527264

Transclude of Topological-manifolds#^19bbc9

  • All manifolds are metrizable (embed in to R^N for some N)

Countability axioms

Transclude of Countability-axioms#^def-dense-separable-topology

Transclude of Countability-axioms#^def-second-countable

Transclude of Countability-axioms#^def-countable-basis-first-countable

Transclude of Countability-axioms#^a92f18

Transclude of Countability-axioms#^593144

The fundamental group

Homotopies and path concatenation

Definition: Homotopic, homotopy

Let , be topological spaces, and be continuous. We say is homotopic to if there exists a continuous mapping such that for all , and . We call a homotopy from to , and we write .

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Definition: Path-homotopy

Given , two paths , e.g., from to , are path-homotopic, written if there exists a homotopy such that and ; that is, the endpoints are fixed for all .

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To do:

  • Inclusion function
  • Example objects used in topology, example topologies
  • Get examples of eveyrthing listed in lecture
  • Neighborhoods?
  • HW2 results: cts fns preserve limits
  • HW3.1 the embeddings question
  • EVT for Compactness
  • Topologies on R – lower limit, finite complement

Additional notecards:

42 items with this tag.