
  • Why are infinite products of compact sets not necessarily compact in the box topology?
  • Clarify why this is the case: To show is continuous, we want to show that if is closed, then is also closed.


Compactness is a topological generalization of closed and bounded sets in , and specifically the Heine-Borel property.

In analysis, and specifically Modern Analysis I, one first defines compactness of a set using open coverings and then proves that compactness implies both closed and bounded.

Limit point and sequential compactness

Definition: Limit point compact

A metric space is limit point compact if every infinite subset of has a limit point.

Definition: Sequentially compact metric space

A metric space is called sequentially compact if every sequence has a convergent subsequence.

Theorem (Munkres 28.2): Equivalent forms of compactness in metric spaces

Let be a metrizable space. Then the following are equivalent:

  • (i) is compact;
  • (ii) is limit point compact;
  • (iii) is sequentially compact

Note that (i) (ii) in any topological space.

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In metric spaces

Definition: Open covers in metric spaces

Let be a metric space and . A family of sets is called an open cover of if all are open and if .

Definition: Compact sets in metric spaces

Let be a metric space. We say that is compact if every open cover of has a finite subcover. That is, there exists some other indexing set such that and .

Lemma: Hausdorff property for metric spaces

Let be a metric space. Given where , there exist open sets such that and and .

Proposition (Rudin 2.34, 2.35): Compact sets are closed and bounded; closed subsets are also compact

Let be a metric space and let be compact. Then:

  • (i) is bounded;
  • (ii) If is a closed subset of , then is also compact;
  • (iii) is closed.

Theorem: Limit point compactness implies subsequential compactness in metric spaces

If is a metric space that is limit point compact, then it is also “subsequentially” compact.

In topological spaces

Definition: Open cover, compact topological space

An open covering of a topological space is a collection of subsets such that each is open in and .

The space is compact if for every open cover of , there exists a sub-collection such that is finite and also covers .

Lemma (Munkres 26.1):

A subspace is compact if and only if every covering of by open sets in contains a finite subcover (more precisely, every collection of open sets in whose union contains has a finite sub-collection whose union also contains ).

Lemma (Munkres 26.2 & 26.3):

  • (i) If is compact and is closed, then is compact.
  • (ii) If is compact and is Hausdorff, then is closed in .

Transclude of (Theorem)-Heine-Borel#^282006

Products and compactness

Transclude of (Theorem)-Tube-lemma#^thm-tube-lemma

Theorem (Munkres 26.7): The product of finitely many compact spaces is compact.

If and are compact, then their product is also compact. By induction, the product of finitely many compact spaces is compact.

This holds for arbitrarily many spaces in the product topology, but not for infinite products in the box topology.

Continuous functions and compactness

Theorem (Munkres 26.5 & 26.6): Continuous functions and compactness

  • (i) If is continuous and is compact, then is compact.
  • (ii) Let be a continuous bijection. If is compact and is Hausdorff, then is a homeomorphism.
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Theorem: Extreme value theorem on a metric space

Let be a metric space and be a compact subset, and suppose is a continuous function. Then attains its maximum and minimum within ; that is, there exists such that

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#wip compact and non-compact intervals of R

The finite complement topology on any set is compact

If is a set equipped with the finite complement topology, then each open set in an open covering of will cover all but finitely many points of . If there are points that are not covered by a set , then we will need at most neighborhoods to cover the remaining points, and so we can construct a finite cover with elements.



  • When can compactness be used to verify if a continuous bijection is a homeomorphism (i.e., under what conditions do you not need to check that the inverse image is continuous)?
  • Are countably infinite products of compact sets also compact?

Modern Analysis I

  • Prove the Hausdorff property holds for metric spaces. (Hint: what open sets arise naturally from ?)

Honors Mathematics B

  • Show that is not compact. Is closed and/or compact?

Proof appendix

Lemma: Hausdorff property for metric spaces

Let be a metric space. Given where , there exist open sets such that and and .

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Proof from Modern Analysis I.

Let , the distance between and . Set and . Then we have , and as desired.

Proposition (Rudin 2.34, 2.35): Compact sets are closed and bounded; closed subsets are also compact

Let be a metric space and let be compact. Then:

  • (i) is bounded;
  • (ii) If is a closed subset of , then is also compact;
  • (iii) is closed.
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Sketch from Modern Analysis I.

  • (iii) Show is open by showing that for all , there exists .

Theorem: Limit point compactness implies subsequential compactness in metric spaces

If is a metric space that is limit point compact, then it is also “subsequentially” compact.

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Sketch from Modern Analysis I.

Let be the set of all points in the sequence.

  • Case 1: is finite.
    • Trick: We can make an (infinite) subsequence from a finite sequence by taking the final value over and over again
    • There exists such that for infinitely many
    • Make a convergent subsequence by choosing all the points that equal
  • Case 2: is infinite.
    • Limit point compactness has limit point .
    • For all , exists in where .
    • Make a convergent subsequence by removing elements from } so that for