Definition: Local compactness

A topological space is locally compact at a point if there exists a compact subspace and a neighborhood of such that . We say is locally compact if this holds for all .

Compactification is the process of adding “points at infinity” to turn an arbitrary space compact so that nice theorems, such as

Definition: Compactification

A compactification of a topological space is a pair of a compact topological space and an embedding such that is a dense subset of , meaning every point of is either in or a limit point of .

One-point compactification

Theorem: One-point compactification

A topological space is locally compact and Hausdorff if and only if there exists a space and an embedding such that:

  • (i) is compact and Hausdorff;
  • (ii) , a single point;
  • (iii) is unique, in the sense that if any other satisfies these properties, there exists a unique homeomorphism such that (someday…commutative algebra diagram).
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is not locally compact

is not locally compact as a subset of with the usual topology. First, for any irrational with a neighborhood , we may find a sequence of rationals in that converges that converges to , which implies that .

Now suppose, towards a contradiction, that there exists an open neighborhood of such that for some compact set . Then there exists a basic open neighborhood , which implies that is a closed subset of the compact set , and is therefore compact. But this contradicts the previous paragraph, so we conclude that has no open neighborhood contained in a compact subset .