
  • Does the diagram in Munkres 22.2 commute?


The word “quotient” refers to dividing a space into disjoint pieces. One way to formalize this idea is by constructing quotient spaces: given an equivalence relation on a topological space , the set of equivalence classes

can be thought as what’s left after “crushing” all points that are similar to each other down to a single element. The quotient topology is the topology that makes the canonical projection, or quotient map defined by continuous.

Quotient are generally thought of in terms of their universal property: if is a function that is constant on equivalence classes, then is still well-defined after “crushing” the equivalence class to a single point. In fact, the universal property implies that the quotient topology is chosen precisely so that such a map is still continuous.


Given , let be the equivalence relation given by or for all . Then we write for the quotient where all of is “crushed” to a point.

Related: Disjoint unions

Quotient spaces

Definition: Quotient topology

Let be an equivalence relation on a topological space , and let

be an equivalence class. The set of equivalence classes

where if and only if , has a canonical projection or quotient map sending point to its equivalence class ; the notation indicates an element of , rather than a subset

The quotient topology on is the topology such that is continuous:

Theorem: Universal property of quotient spaces

If is a topological space and is an equivalence relation on , the projection map is continuous.

Moreover, if is a continuous map that is constant on equivalence classes, meaning that if , then , then induces a continuous map defined by

and . We say that “factors through” the quotient .

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#wip “Gluing”

Quotient maps

Definition: Quotient map, relative quotient topology

A continuous function is a quotient map if is surjective and

The quotient topology on (relative to ) is the unique topology such that is a quotient map.


Let be continuous and surjective. Then is a quotient map if either of the following hold:

  • (i) is an open or closed map (sends open sets to open sets, or closed sets to closed sets);
  • (ii) is compact and is Hausdorff (❓ compare to compactness & homeomorphisms?)

Theorem (Munkres 22.2): Characterizing continuous functions out of quotient spaces

Let be a quotient map. Let be a space and let be a function which is constant on for all . Then there exists a unique such that .


  • (i) The universal property of quotients. is continuous if and only if is continuous;
  • (ii) is a quotient map if and only if is a quotient map.

#concept-question Does this diagram commute?

Theorem: The relationship between quotient maps and quotient spaces

Let be a quotient map. Define and equivalence relation on by setting

Then there exists a homeomorphism , and the diagram

commutes. That is, every quotient map is of the form .


Interval with endpoints glued together

Consider the interval with the equivalence relation if either: ; and ; or and . This is the simplest equivalence relation under which . Note the following:

  • There are two types of points in : if , then the point corresponds to the equivalence class . If , then the point corresponds to the equivalence class .
  • Every open interval is saturated, meaning it is a union of equivalence classes for all , which project to (i.e., their images under are) open sets in the quotient.
  • The half-open interval for does not project to an open set . (❓ why would if saturated?).


, .

Making the torus from , define by and for all .

  • Take the minimal equivalence relation generated by these conditions (a relation) — taking the intersection of all relations .
  • Technically , , have declared symmetry and transitivity by doing so? (the four points in the corners are equivalent)
    • ❓ so classes are explicitly what?

Quotients with and

  • .


  • 🔺 Show that if is open, then is an open subset of which is a union of equivalence classes (i.e., saturated); and that if is saturated, then is open (note that .
  • 🔺 Check that the quotient topology is indeed a topology.

Proof appendix


Let be continuous and surjective. Then is a quotient map if either of the following hold:

  • (i) is an open or closed map (sends open sets to open sets, or closed sets to closed sets);
  • (ii) is compact and is Hausdorff (❓ compare to compactness & homeomorphisms?)
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Proof from Topology.

  • (i) Suppose is open. If is an open map, then is an open set, and this is equivalent to by surjectivity. If is a closed map, is closed, implying is open.
  • (ii) If is a closed set, then is also compact. Since is continuous, is also compact, means closed subset of Hausdorff space. Then is a closed map and we are back in (i).#wip

Theorem (Munkres 22.2): Characterizing continuous functions out of quotient spaces

Let be a quotient map. Let be a space and let be a function which is constant on for all . Then there exists a unique such that .


  • (i) The universal property of quotients. is continuous if and only if is continuous;
  • (ii) is a quotient map if and only if is a quotient map.
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Proof from Topology.

  • Existence of . Let . Since is surjective, we may pick such that , and set . The condition on guarantees is well-defined ❓, uniqueness is clear.
  • (i) continuous continuous. Let be open. Then is open in . Since is a quotient map, this implies is open.
  • (i) continuous continuous.
    1. 🔺 Exercise: check composition of quotient maps is a quotient map.

Proof of (ii) from MME Topology notes.

We restate (ii) as the following:

Proposition: Surjections from compact spaces to Hausdorff spaces are quotients

Let be a continuous surjection from a compact space to a Hausdorff space. Then if is the equivalence relation

then the induced map is a homeomorphism; equivalently, is a quotient map.

Theorem: The relationship between quotient maps and quotient spaces

Let be a quotient map. Define and equivalence relation on by setting

Then there exists a homeomorphism , and the diagram

commutes. That is, every quotient map is of the form .

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