If is Jordan measurable and is a continuous and bounded function, then the Darboux integral is defined. Though not unambiguously correct like the Lebesgue integral, this gives a “reasonable” notion of integrability that allows one to do calculus.
Darboux integral in
Definition: Partition
Given a bounded set , a partition of is the collection of intervals made from a finite list of “sampling points” with .
A refinement of this partition is made by adding sampling points to generate new intervals. Two partitions of need not be comparable, but one can use their common refinement
Given a partition of , the upper and lower sums are motivated by the fact that for any and :
- is the largest box containing the graph of ;
- is the largest box contained under the graph of .
Definition: Darboux sums and integrals, Darboux integrable in a single variable
Let be a function, and let be a partition of . Then the upper and lower Darboux sums are defined by
respectively. Further, the upper and lower Darboux integrals are given by taking the infimum and supremum of all partitions of , respectively:
If , then is said to be Darboux integrable.
Intuitively, if is a direct refinement of a partition such that the intervals or rectangle widths are smaller, then and .
Theorem (Rudin 6.5): The upper Darboux sum is greater than or equal to the lower Darboux sum
Let be bounded. Then
Proof from Modern Analysis I.
Let be two partitions of . These partitions are not directly comparable, so we instead use their common refinement . (🔺 Show that the lower Darboux sum of a refinement is the original lower sum, and the upper sum of the refinement is the original upper sum.) Then and , and by definition, so all together we have
Since are arbitrary and we have for any two partitions
it follows that . Then taking the supremum over all and infimum over all gives proves the stated theorem.
Darboux integral in higher dimensions
Definition: Darboux integrable in multiple variables
A function is Darboux integrable if the greatest lower bound of the sum of “overestimate boxes” and the least upper bound of the sum of “underestimate boxes” are the same. In this case, we set its integral to be In this case, we set its integral to be
where is the box of the domain.
Definition: Characteristic function
If is a subset of Euclidian space, its characteristic function is
Definition: Jordan measurable
A subset of Euclidian space is Jordan measurable if its characteristic function is integrable. In this case, we set
for some box containing .
Remark. What does Jordan measurable actually mean? If is integrable, we can compute upper and lower sums for , which are over and underestimate approximations using boxes. - Then is Jordan measurable if for all , the inner and outer boxes are at least -close. - In other words, the domain is Jordan measurable if its “boundary” has volume (i.e., Jordan measure) !
Definition: Integration on Jordan measurable sets
If is a bounded subset (that is, it is contained in a “box” with for some ), and is a function, we say is integrable on if is integrable over the box , with integral
%% ## Darboux integration in higher dimensions
(Definition) A function is Darboux integrable if the greatest lower bound of the sum of “overestimate boxes” and the least upper bound of the sum of “underestimate boxes” are the same. In this case, weset its integral to be where is the box of the domain.
(Definition) If is a subset of Euclidian space, its characteristic function is
(Definition) If is a bounded subset (that is, it is contained in a “box” with for some ), and is a function, we say is integrable on if is integrable over the box , with integral
Jordan measurability
- (Definition) A subset of Euclidian space is Jordan measurable if its characteristic function is integrable. In this case, we set for some box containing .
- What does Jordan measurable actually mean?
- If is integrable, we can compute upper and lower sums for , which are over and underestimate approximations using boxes.
- Then is Jordan measurable if for all , the inner and outer boxes are at least -close.
- In other words, the domain is Jordan measurable if its “boundary” has volume (i.e., Jordan measure) !
- (Proposition 16.1) If are Jordan measurable, then so are their intersection and union , and their volumes can be computed by
- (Proposition 16.2) The region bounded by continuous bounded functions is Jordan measurable. If is Jordan measurable and are continuous and bounded, is Jordan measurable, where is the coordinate omitted in .
- (Theorem 16.3) If is Jordan measurable and is continuous and bounded, then is Darboux integrable on . %%
## Darboux integration in higher dimensions
- *(Definition)* A function $f: [a_1,b_1] \times \cdots [a_n,b_n] \to \mathbb R$ is **Darboux integrable** if the *greatest lower bound* of the sum of "overestimate boxes" $U_f$ and the *least upper bound* of the sum of "underestimate boxes" $L_f$ are the same. In this case, weset its integral to be $$ U_f = L_f = \int_B f(\vec x) d\text{vol}_n $$ where $B$ is the box of the domain.
- *(Definition)* If $D \subset \mathbb R^n$ is a subset of Euclidian space, its **characteristic function** $\chi_D : \mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R$ is $$ \chi_D(\vec x) = \begin{cases} 1 & \vec x \in D \\ 0 & \vec x \notin D\end{cases}. $$
- *(Definition)* If $D \subset \mathbb R^n$ is a **bounded subset** (that is, it is contained in a "box" with $D \subset [-c, c]^n$ for some $c > 0$), and $f : D \to \mathbb R$ is a function, we say $f$ is **integrable** on $D$ if $f\chi_D$ is **integrable** over the box $[-c, c]^n$, with integral $$ \int_D f(\vec x) d\text{vol}_n = \int_{[-c, c]^n} f(\vec x) \chi_D(\vec x) d \text{vol}_n. $$
## Jordan measurability
- *(Definition)* A subset of Euclidian space $D \subset \mathbb R^n$ is **Jordan measurable** if its **characteristic function** $\chi_D$ is **integrable**. In this case, we set $$ \text{vol}_n(D) = \int_B \chi_D d\text{vol}_n $$ for some box $B$ containing $D$.
- What does **Jordan measurable** actually mean?
- If $\chi_D$ is **integrable**, we can compute upper and lower sums for $\chi_D$, which are over and underestimate approximations using boxes.
- Then $D$ is **Jordan measurable** if for all $\epsilon > 0$, the inner and outer boxes are at least $\epsilon$-close.
- In other words, the domain is **Jordan measurable** if its "[[Fubini's theorem and change of variables|boundary]]" has volume (i.e., **Jordan measure**) $0$!
- *(Proposition 16.1)* If $D_1, D_2 \subset \mathbb R^n$ are **Jordan measurable**, then so are their intersection $D_1 \cap D_2$ and union $D_1 \cup D_2$, and their volumes can be computed by $$ \text{vol}_n(D_1) + \text{vol}_n(D_2) - \text{vol}_n(D_1 \cap D_2) = \text{vol}_n(D_1 \cup D_2). $$
- *(Proposition 16.2)* **The region bounded by continuous bounded functions is Jordan measurable.** If $D \subset B \subset \mathbb R^{n-1}$ is **Jordan measurable** and $f,g : D \to \mathbb R$ are **continuous** and **bounded**, $$ D' = \{\vec x \in \mathbb R^n \| \ f(\vec x) \leq x_j \leq g(\vec x) \} $$ is **Jordan measurable**, where $x_j$ is the coordinate omitted in $D \subset \mathbb R^{n-1}$.
- *(Theorem 16.3)* If $D \subset \mathbb R^n$ is **Jordan measurable** and $f: D \to \mathbb R$ is [[Continuity|continuous]] and **bounded**, then $f$ is **Darboux integrable** on $D$.