The real numbers have three defining properties: they are a field with defined operations of addition, scalar multiplication, and non-zero division; they are ordered; and they have no “missing points.” Informally, these properties make the real numbers visualizable as a line.

Formally, is the unique complete ordered field. As an upshot of the uniqueness of , every real number has a unique decimal representation.

Related: Complex numbers, conjugates, and absolute value

Formal definition of the reals

Definitions and notation from Modern Analysis I.

Definition: Real numbers

The field of real numbers is a tuple consisting of a set , the maps defined by

respectively, and a order relation satisfying the following:

  • (A1), (M1) Existence of a neutral element. See (F4) Identities.
  • (A2), (M2) Existence of inverses. See (F5) Additive inverses and (F6) Multiplicative inverses.
  • (A3), (M3) Associativity. See (F1) Associativity.
  • (A4), (M4) Commutativity. See (F2) Commutativity.
  • (D) Distributivity of addition over multiplication. For all , we have .

Moreover, the reals satisfy the order relation axioms—(O1) reflexivity, (O2) antisymmetry, (O3) transitivity, and (O4) linearity/trichotomy—as well as the compatibility axioms:

  • (OC1) Compatibility of and . For all , .
  • (OC2) Compatibility of and . For all , .

Finally, the reals uniquely satisfy the completeness axiom.

Axiom: Completeness of \mathbb R

Let such that for all and . Then for all and , there exists such that .

This can be restated in terms of the least upper bound, or supremum.

Theorem: Completeness of \mathbb R using the least upper bound (supremum)

Let be a non-empty subset that is bounded above, meaning there exists such that for all . Then the supremum of exists.


  • Prove the theorem about completeness of . (Hint: set the supremum to be .)