Definition: Open set in a metric space

A set is open if every point of is an interior point. More precisely, for all points , there exists such that the -neighborhood or -ball about given by

where is a metric on , is completely contained in .

^956753 We have the following facts about open sets:

  • The -ball about a point , as defined above, is an open set.
  • If is a continuous function and is open, then the preimage is open as well.
  • is continuous if and only if for all open sets , the image ) is an open set (see also: equivalent definitions of continuity in metric spaces).

Definition: Open set in a topological space

If is a topological set with topology , we say a subset is an open set of if .

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Related: Closed sets and closures, Topological spaces and open sets



Modern Analysis I

  • Using the definition of an open set in a metric space, prove that arbitrary unions and finite intersections of open sets are open. ⭐


  • Determine whether the following intervals in are open, closed, both, or neither:
    • Bounded: , ,
    • Unbounded: , ,
    • and
  • Given a finite collection of open sets, is their intersection open or closed? Justify.
    • Does this result also hold for infinite (countable) intersections? Give an example or counter-example. ⭐
  • Prove that every ball is open. ⭐


  • The definition for open set used above is a generalization of the following definition from to metric spaces:

Definition: Open set in \mathbb R^n

A set is open if for all , there exists such that

#wip Define interior point