According to the dual process theory, humans are capable of two “systems” of thinking: “automatic” System 1 cognition and “effortful” System 2 cognition. System 1 and System 2 may also refer to two types of cognitive tasks.

System 1System 2
Fast, intuitive, habitualSlow, logical, planned
Implicit knowledgeExplicit knowledge
Unconscious, cannot be reportedConscious, linguistic
1-step parallelSequential, algorithmic
Demonstrated by current deep learning modelsDemonstrated by agents with generalized ability, like humans

Yoshua Bengio believes that System 2 supports System 1 thinking by adding to a set of “intelligent reflexes.” This suggests that implementing System 2 thinking in neural networks may lead to advances in machine intelligence.

Related: Non-declarative memory, Computationalism vs. connectionism, Global workspace theory
