
Compositions are sequential linear transformations such that the codomain of the first transformation is the domain of the second. The result of taking a composite is also a linear transformation.

Most generally, inverses are linear maps which “undo” another map. An invertible linear map is also called an Isomorphism.

Compositions of linear maps

  • (Lemma 51) If and are linear maps, then the composite defined by is also linear.
  • (Lemma 52) Compositions of linear maps have the following arithmetic properties:
    • (i) If , , and are linear maps between vector spaces, then .
    • (ii) If is a linear map, then .
    • (iii) If is a linear map and is any other vector space, then and .


Definition: Invertible

If is a linear map, we say that

  • is right invertible if there exists a linear map so that .
  • is left invertible if there exists a linear map so that .
  • is invertible if there exists a linear map so that and . We write .

#wip examples of invertible maps