Taylor’s theorem

Definition: Taylor polynomial

If is -times differentiable at , then its -th order Taylor polynomial centered at is the series defined as

Notice that for all , we have . Further, denote the approximation error or remainder as by

where the final expression uses little-o notation.

#wip Taylor of order 1 is the tangent?

Theorem: Taylor approximation

Let be -times continuously differentiable at some point , where , and write for the -th order Taylor polynomial of and for the approximation error as . Then:

  • (i) Peano form of the remainder. There exists a function defined by which satisfies

Thus, Taylor’s theorem says that the error term decays as fast as some multiple of , and in particular faster than any multiple of .

  • (ii) Cauchy form of the remainder. There exists some such that
  • (iii) Lagrange form of the remainder. There exists some such that
  • (iv) Integral form of the remainder.

Proof (i) from Modern Analysis I.

By (Theorem) L’Hopital’s rule,


Estimating the remainder

Theorem: Estimating the remainder of Taylor’s approximation

If is on an interval and , then the remainder can be estimated by


is Taylor’s polynomial.